Modern Vlogging

Modern Vlogging

Modern Video Earning 


Modern Vlogging

Why Should You Start A Vlog?

People are curious by nature and they like to see what other people are 

doing with their lives. This is the reason why reality TV is so successful. 

What are the ordinary people doing out there? What are their hopes and 

dreams? What excites them and how do they go about their day?

It doesn’t matter that someone doesn’t know you. You have a message to 

share with the world and a vlog is the perfect way to do it. Sure you could 

create a conventional blog and write posts about your life and share your 

experiences. But people prefer video.

In a survey conducted by Hub Spot a while ago, they discovered that 72% 

of participants preferred to watch video rather than read a blog post to 

learn how to do something or find out more about a product or a service.

YouTube is a giant of a website. There are 1 billion users who consume 

hours of video every day. There will always be somebody searching 

YouTube for what you are good at. This provides you with a fantastic 


With a vlog you can create a real connection with your viewers. It is 

different to creating a one off video. If you provide quality videos (and you 

must) then people will eagerly await the next one that you upload.

There are many vlogging success stories. These are ordinary people who 

drastically changed their lives through vlogging. They have all kinds of 

sponsorship deals and several different revenue streams. Some vloggers 

became millionaires very quickly – there is no reason why you cannot be 

the next vlogging sensation.

In this short report we will provide you with the 7 ways to start a successful 

vlog. How you start your vlog is really important. If you don’t get off to a 

flying start then it will be a real struggle for you. Use the methods in this 

report and you won’t go wrong.

Modern Vlogging

The most successful vlogs are always planned. The vlog owner has thought 

through what they want to achieve with their vlog and put a plan of action 

in place. You must do the same. The starting point is to define the goal of 

your vlog.

This is something that you can easily do in a short time. Start right now 

and have the goal of your vlog defined in a few hours. Don’t spend too 

much time on this. Some people will spend weeks planning something and 

then it never happens.

What are you going to communicate with your vlog? You need to vlog about 

something that you can get excited about. Remember that you want to 

make a profit from your vlog so you need to think about how you will do 


So start off by writing a list of all the things that interest you. Here are 

some good ideas for vlogs:

• Travelling the world

• Making money online

• Beauty and makeup

• Owning a pet

• Sports fan vlogs

• Learning specific skills

• Getting the girl/boy

The main reason that all of these ideas are good is because there is so 

much scope for creating videos here. The other good reason is that these 

kinds of vlogs are pretty easy to monetize. And that’s good news isn’t it?

Go to YouTube and have a look at what other people are vlogging about. 

This should give you even more inspiration. Don’t worry that there are a lot 

of other players in the same niche. Competition is a good thing. It proves 

that there is an audience out there.

Your personality is very different to the other people making the vlogs in 

your niche. This will make you stand out. It would be more of a concern if 

there were not vlogs already out there in the niche you were interested in.

Modern Vlogging

OK so you have chosen an idea for your vlog. Now it is time to see the size 

of the market and what type of audience your vlog will appeal to. This is a 

very important exercise. Checking that there are other vlogs in your niche 

is a good first step but it is not enough. 

The first thing you need to do is some keyword research. You need to find 

out what terms people are using to find videos in your niche and how often 

they are looking (search volume). You can do this for free by using the 

Google Keyword Planner. 

To access the Google Keyword Planner you will need a free Google account 

(such as a Gmail email address) and you will need to open a free Google 

AdWords account – don’t worry you are not going to spend any money!

Once you are in the Google Keyword Planner enter a main keyword for your 

niche. As an example we will use “makeup”. There are hundreds of 

thousands of searches each month on Google for this term.

The Google Keyword Planner also came up with a lot of other great related 

terms such as:

• Eye makeup

• Makeup set

• Makeup kit

• Makeup brands

• Cheap makeup

• Primer makeup

• Face makeup

And there were a lot more keyword suggestions. These are all great ideas 

for videos. Every one of these terms are searched for thousands of times a 

month. OK this is for Google, but the same terms are going to be used in 

the search box on YouTube

There are two things to bear in mind here:

1. The search volume

2. The different related keyword terms


The search volume confirms there is a demand for information around the 

specific keywords. A lot of people want to know about “eye makeup” for 

example. The related keywords show you the scope of the niche. There are 

so many different topics that you can create videos about. This is a very 

good niche for a vlog.

What about your audience? If you want to have a successful vlog then you 

need to focus on your target audience. This starts by knowing who your 

target audience is. What are their interests? What are the gender and age 

demographics? What kind of videos do they like? Where do they come 


When you know the answers to all of these questions you can fine tune 

your videos so that they meet all of the requirements of your target 

audience. It is no use just guessing and creating any kind of video. There is 

a high probability that you will get it wrong. 

Find out what questions your target market are asking. Do they want 

tutorials on how to use eye makeup to the best effect? Do they want to 

know what the best makeup products are? Are they looking for the best 

budget makeup?

Your vlog needs to answer the questions that your target market has. 

When you are able to do this your vlog will be successful. It’s simple really 

– give people what they want and they will come back for more and tell the 

world about it.

Modern vlogging

Nobody is going to expect you to create Hollywood style videos but they 

will expect quality. OK you could get away with recording your vlog videos 

on your smartphone. The cameras and microphones in today’s 

smartphones are pretty good, but if you are serious about your vlog, and 

you must be, then there are better tools available.

Your viewers will expect your video to be clear and sharp. HD video quality 

is easy to create these days with inexpensive cameras. You don’t need the 

latest Sony professional camera costing thousands of dollars. To start with 

you can get a camera that shoots 720p HD for under $100.

If you are going to shoot a lot of outdoor footage then a good solution is 

the GoPro Hero. This is real quality at a good price. By making an 

investment in a good camera you will be more committed to your vlog 

which is a good thing.

Next is audio. A video that has poor audio quality is never well received. 

Some people will create tutorial videos on their laptops and then use the 

internal laptop microphone. These are usually really poor quality - so don’t 

do this. Invest in a good quality microphone to ensure audio is clear.

What about software? Well you will need a video editing suite whatever 

kind of videos you create. If you are going to provide tutorials (always 

good) then you will probably want to record your computer desktop. 

Let’s start with video editing. It is very unlikely that you will shoot a perfect 

video the first time around so you will need to cut stuff out and add some 

refinements to make your videos really look professional.

You can do this for free by using Windows Movie Maker for Windows 

computers or iMovie for Mac computers. Both of these video editing 

programs have all that you need to make really professional videos. There 

are other video editing suites that cost a lot of money but you don’t need 

these to get started.

For recording your computer desktop then Camtasia is the best choice. It 

works on Windows and Mac computers and costs around $200. There is a free trial so you can test it out first. If you are on a budget then CamStudio 

is a free alternative that will do most of the basic things for Windows users. 

There are free applications for Mac users available too.

Video quality is everything so don’t be afraid to invest a few dollars into 

your vlog. It will definitely pay you back in the long run. Poor quality videos 

just don’t cut it and you will not get many channel subscribers which is the 

opposite of what you want

Modern vlogging

OK the first thing to say here is that there is no better platform to use for 

your vlog than YouTube. At the time of writing this report it is the second 

most visited website on the planet just behind Google and just ahead of 

Facebook. Every day YouTube gets around 4 billion views!

The first step to creating your YouTube channel is to decide on a name for 

your vlog. This will be your brand. Some people use their own name which 

is fine. But if you don’t want to do that then you need to get creative and 

think of a memorable name. Then you need to check that nobody else has 

a channel with this name.

With your channel name decided you need to create it. You will need a 

Google account to setup a YouTube account if you don’t have one already. 

Login to your YouTube account and create your channel (there are plenty of 

videos on YouTube to show you how to do this).

To be taken seriously you need some good channel art. Don’t worry you 

don’t have to be a graphic designer to do this. Don’t spend a lot of time 

trying to do this yourself. Head over to Fiverr.com and find a good designer 

that will create your YouTube channel art for a few dollars.

Once your YouTube channel has been established for more than 30 days 

and you have some videos uploaded and more than 100 subscribers then 

apply for a custom channel URL. This is very important for your marketing.

Modern vlogging

This is essential. It is not about quantity it is about quality. If people like 

your video (which is what you want) then they will expect you to upload 

new videos regularly. We will discuss this more later. 

Unless you are confident to sit in front of a camera and record videos on 

the fly it is best to create a video script and storyboard. This will take a bit 

of effort but it is really worth doing. You don’t have to write every word 

down that you are going to say in your video script. Just add pointers and 

“lead ins” so that you can discuss each aspect of the video.

If you are going to create a tutorial then plan the footage you will need. 

Are you going to demonstrate how to do something live or do you need to 

record your computer screen to show “over the shoulder” how to do 

something? Both of these are fine but you need a plan.

Once you have your video plan and script done then create a storyboard. 

What happens first and then all the segments right to the end. It is vital 

that your videos start well and end well. A great start will compel viewers 

to keep on watching. A great ending will leave them wanting more videos 

from you.

When you are recording make sure that you are passionate and excited. If 

you are not passionate about your videos then how can you expect your 

viewers to be excited to watch them? Don’t resort to a monotone delivery –

people don’t want this. If you need to work on your skills here then do it.

Be sure to appeal to the viewer’s emotions as much as possible. Make them 

excited by telling them that they will get fantastic results. Use as many 

superlatives as you can without overdoing it. Tell them that they will look 

beautiful if they follow your makeup tips for example.

With all of your videos ask the viewers to subscribe to your channel and 

like the video. Think about how you want to end each video. What do you 

want the viewer to do (if anything) when they have finished watching? 

Do you want them to visit your website and subscribe to your email list for 

other “insider tips and secrets?” Do you want them to buy something? Use 

a good call to action at the end. Tell them to do this halfway through the 

video as well just in case they don’t watch your video all the way through.

Don’t overdo this. Provide them with value as a priority. Just mention that 

you have a newsletter with other great tips that they can only get by being 

an email subscriber for example. You are not trying to sell a used car!

Always encourage interaction in your videos. Tell your viewers that you 

would love to receive their comments about the video as your aim is to 

provide them with what they want. When you receive comments always 

respond to them as fast as you can.

So how often should you create new videos for your vlog? Well this is really 

up to you but we would recommend that you upload new videos at least 

once every 2 weeks. If you leave too much time between posting videos 

people will forget about your vlog and go somewhere else.

Modern vlogging

Many YouTube videos that are optimized properly appear on the first page 

of Google for related search terms. This is awesome! There are no 

guarantees here but at the very least you want your videos to appear in the 

YouTube search results when people search there (which a lot will).

Earlier on in this report we recommended that you conduct keyword 

research for your vlog. We also recommend that you do this for all of your 

videos. So if you are going to make a video about “eye makeup” then input 

that into the Google Keyword Planner and see what related terms come up. 

Create a list of around 5-10 good keywords per video.

The most important part of YouTube video optimization is your video title. 

Create an appealing title that people will want to click on. Include your 

main keyword in the title as well. So for your eye makeup video you could 


Stunning Eye Makeup Tips For The Most Beautiful Eyes

Brainstorm a few different titles with the main keyword “eye makeup” in 

them. Then choose the one that appeals the most. Don’t just use your 

main keyword as the title e.g. Eye Makeup. This is boring and you want to 

add more persuasive words to get the click. 

Next write a description for your video. If you are going to add an external 

link to your website for example then add this first so that it appears above 

the fold. Your description needs to describe what your video is all about so 

think benefits here. Naturally include a few of your keywords too.

The last step is your video tags. Don’t go crazy with this. Add around 5-8 

tags from your keyword list including your main keyword. At the time of 

writing there is a 400 character limit on tags. Don’t think that you have to 

use all of these characters because you don’t.

One final thing here is your video thumbnail. This doesn’t really impact 

your optimization but a good thumbnail will always get the click over a poor one. Some people design specific thumbnails for each video. Whatever you 

do make your thumbnails really stand out.

Modern vlogging

Don’t just rely on YouTube search traffic for views to your vlog videos. Do 

everything that you can to get the word out to people that your new vlog 

has arrived. Tell everyone that you know about your vlog.

Use social media to make posts about your vlog. Facebook, Twitter and 

Instagram are all good platforms to promote videos. There are other social 

sites such as Reddit.com and Quora.com which you can use to promote 

your vlog. Take advantage of all of these platforms.

Don’t believe in the “build it and they will come” philosophy. Yes you will 

get some views to your videos and some subscribers just from YouTube 

search traffic. But this will never be enough to really make your vlog take 


The name of the game is to increase the number of subscribers that your 

YouTube channel has. Focus on this rather than the money you can make. 

When you achieve high subscriber numbers the money will naturally follow.

Modern vlogging

You need to be totally committed to your vlog if you want it to be a 

success. Consistency is very important. You need to make high quality 

videos on a consistent basis and be consistent with your video uploading 

and the promotion of your vlog.

It is going to take time for you to reach a high number of subscribers but if 

you stick at it then this will come. High subscriber numbers will open doors 

for you with sponsorships and other money making opportunities.

So follow the 7 ways to start a great vlog in this report and you won’t go 

wrong. If you don’t have the right recording equipment then get it. You 

must avoid uploading poor quality videos. Good luck with your vlog and 

your rise to fame on YouTube!